We perform Noh as a lifework.
Born into a family that passes this historical art down from generation to generation, we have chosen to make this a central part of our lives.
Japan is rich in traditional cultures, but amongst all of them, Noh is unique in the influence it has on other cultural activities. This explains why Noh has enjoyed its popularity for many hundreds of years.
Nowadays however, very few people, particularly the younger generation, have an opportunity to watch and enjoy this most treasured of arts.
As the designated heirs of this traditional art, it is our responsibility to propagate the virtues and merits of Noh, such as its multi-dimensional appeal and its uniqueness and beauty.
KAMIASOBI was founded with these aims in mind; 5 young players have come together to hone their skills and raise appreciation of this unique art form to a new level.
KAMIASOBI believes that the Noh tradition should live on for ever and that it is our solemn duty to pass on our knowledge and passion to the next generation.

KAMIASOBI members  神遊

members of KAMIASOBI

What is nohgaku?